Hey Kanga Blog

What Is a Movement Break? The Top Benefits  for Students

Written by Hey Kanga | May 3, 2023 2:55:32 PM

No matter how hard-working you are, nobody is able to remain focused for hours on end. Our brains simply can’t do it! They grow exhausted, groggy, and restless. As a result, we become less alert and have difficulty retaining information. This is something teachers need to be very mindful of in the classroom. If your lesson is longer than 30 minutes, you should factor in some time for brain breaks. Now you might be wondering - what is a brain break? Are they really necessary to include in a lesson plan? Yes, they are! But if you need convincing, then you should keep on reading. Today we’re going to be discussing the top benefits of brain breaks for students and explaining what these are, plus sharing some brain break ideas for teachers. Let’s begin! 

What Is a Brain Break?

A brain break is a short rest from whatever activity you might be working on. This term is usually used in the context of education when teachers provide their students with a brief respite from learning. The whole point of a brain break is to allow children’s minds to recharge so they can return to learning with more mental energy than before.

What Are the Benefits of Brain Breaks for Students?

The benefits of brain breaks for students are enormous. They can really help to revolutionise classroom learning and make school all the more fun for everyone. Here are some of the main reasons why educators should consider incorporating more brain breaks into their lesson plans:

More Effective Learning

Research has consistently demonstrated that breaks can increase the effectiveness of children’s learning. The average person is able to stay focused for around 15-20 minutes. Beyond that point, we struggle to concentrate and retain information successfully. A brain break can help to refresh student's minds and kickstart their ability to focus once more. As a result, they will likely be able to absorb and recall learning material a lot more effectively!

Increased Productivity

Following off the back of our previous point, brain breaks can also help to improve students’ productivity! If you read any guide on studying tips, it’ll talk about the importance of taking regular breaks. Forcing kids to power through work endlessly just means they’ll spend more time getting less done. Instead, reinvigorate your students’ productivity by rewarding them with fun activities to break up the lessons. For example, you could play a game or practise some yoga together as a classroom. Teachers will likely notice a difference in how well their pupils are working after implementing regular brain breaks into their lessons.

Improved Mental Health

Brain breaks usually entail some form of physical activity like yoga, games, or dancing. Any kind of exercise, whether it’s light or intensive, can be really beneficial to children’s mental health. When we exercise, we get a fresh supply of blood and oxygen running through our brains, which increases our mental alertness. In addition to this, activity encourages the release of feel-good brain chemicals (such as cortisol and dopamine), in turn boosting our moods and helping to relieve stress in our bodies. For children who struggle with anxiety or low moods, light activity can be especially helpful. Consider incorporating brain breaks into your lessons and see how they can improve mental health in the classroom overall! 

Engagement & Enjoyment

One of the main benefits of brain breaks in the classroom is that they really help to increase children’s engagement in lessons and overall enjoyment of school. Though learning is important, it doesn’t have to be serious or ‘boring’ all of the time. Educators might find they get better results from their pupils if they inject a little more fun and silliness into the everyday. Countless studies have proven that having fun at work can have a positive impact on engagement, productivity, and creativity - and the same most definitely applies to school!

Movement Break Ideas

Struggling to come up with movement break ideas for your lessons? Then look no further! Here are some great suggestions:

Yoga Sessions

Get your pupils up and active with a yoga session! A light workout like this helps to clear the mind and get blood flowing to the brain again.



Dance Break

Get students smiling and ready for learning in the morning by getting them to participate in a dance break! Learn the steps to a trending TikTok dance, or have students create their own dance moves to their favourite song.



Mindfulness Breaks

Mindfulness breaks are all about giving your students a moment to breathe and ground themselves in the moment. These breaks can include breathing exercises or guided meditation. Have a look at our website for mindfulness videos to use in your classroom.



Class Games

Getting everyone involved in a class game is a fantastic break for the children! Some classic activities include heads down, thumbs up, and the whispering game!



Hey Kanga's Movement Breaks

For more movement break ideas, check out the Hey Kanga app! Sign in and select the "Categories" under "Video Library" on the main navigation menu (left-hand side). Select "Move Breaks" category and access our selection of tiktok-style dance breaks, mindfulness breaks, fun games, and more!

Sign in to your account or register for a Free Trial now and get primed for learning with our awesome movement breaks!








*Cover Photo by Yan Krukau: https://www.pexels.com/photo/active-children-doing-balancing-exercises-8613312/