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Playlists are live in the HK app, and we think you are going to love them!

New-Feature-PlaylistsPlaylists make it even easier for you to incorporate our easy-to-teach videos into your daily lessons and activities. This new feature allows you to organize your favorite Hey Kanga videos into a customized collection that fits your unique schedule and curriculum.

Here are some of the benefits we think you'll see from using Playlists:

  • Saves time and increases efficiency: With Playlists, you can plan out your activities in advance and reduce the time spent searching for individual videos.
  • Encourages consistency and routine: Playlists make it easy to create a consistent schedule for physical activity and mindfulness exercises so that your students can thrive on structure and routine.
  • Customizable to your needs: Whether you want to create a playlist for a full PE lesson or just a quick brain break, you can tailor your playlist to fit your specific needs.

To access the Playlists feature, simply log in to your Hey Kanga account, select "Playlists" in the left navigation menu, and start creating your customized playlist!

Here are just a few of the great things you can do with Playlists:


Bulk-add videos from our video library

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As you're browsing the video library, you can now select relevant videos and add them directly to your newly created custom playlist! Once added, these videos can now be played seamlessly from your playlist tab. 


Search and add Hey Kanga videos from within your custom playlist

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Why even leave the playlist page?! You can find the videos you need right from within the playlist page. If you select the dropdown menu in the top right-hand corner, you can simply "add HeyKanga videos" directly to your playlist. Enter the video title into the search bar, select the appropriate videos, and click "add videos".


Choose a custom name, description, and image to uniquely identify your playlist!

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These are custom playlists, after all! Uniquely identify your playlist by adding a custom name and description, as well as one of our awesome colorful kangaroo images!


Share your custom playlist!

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Now that you've put some effort into finding the right videos, show off what you've created! Sharing playlists is a great way to show other teachers what you've put together and challenge them to do the same. 

These are some of the great features of our new Playlist function. Log in now to take it for a test drive!

As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you for being part of the Hey Kanga community.

Don't have a Hey Kanga account?

Don't have a Hey Kanga login? Sign up for a free trial to test-drive playlists. Has your free trial already expired? Contact us to request a trial extension to try out this awesome new feature.